Episode : 10
Format : avi
Audio : Japanese
Subtitle : English (Hardsub)
Sub Group : SARS-Fansub, jone-records
Release : 2005
Note : Please change dhm to avi first before join the file
See More : Gokusen 1 (2002), Gokusen 2 (2005), Gokusen 3 (2008)
Half a year has passed and Shirokin Gakuen has closed down. Yamaguchi Kumiko (Nakama Yukie) finds herself a teacher of a few young kids who don't really benefit much from her style of teaching. Through some twist of fate, she is offered a job as a teacher in Kurogin Gakuen.
She becomes the teacher of a delinquent 3D class which make her previous students look like angels. In order to protect her job, she must again hide her true identity — the fact that she is the 4th generation of the Oedo Family, a prominent yakuza group - wikipedia
MFEp01 : Highschool is a once in a lifetime experience, do not waste it! ..That zealous teacher has returned!
[704x396] [699 MB] [avi] [sars] [E18FAA9C]
Ep02 : A person's power is not decided by his physical strength, there's a much more important thing within
[704x396] [377 MB] [avi] [sars] [91D869F8]
Ep03 : You guys are my one-and-only students!! How can I desert you?
[704x396] [367 MB] [avi] [sars] [D7CC23B5]
Ep04 : Don't compare your life with someone else's!
[704x396] [366 MB] [avi] [sars] [3EA3BB91]
Ep05 : What's important is the strength of your heart!!
[704x396] [368 MB] [avi] [sars] [1B3A069F]
Ep06 : Think more about your parents' feelings!!
[704x396] [369 MB] [avi] [sars] [070A7633]
Ep07 : Think seriously about your life
[704x396] [369 MB] [avi] [sars] [3B5F5DB7]
Ep08 : I will always be your teacher
[704x396] [368 MB] [avi] [sars] [7E0B37E4]
Ep09 : Father and son's bond of tears
[704x396] [368 MB] [avi] [sars] [ACBE9CC7]
Ep10 finale : Be proud to graduate!! Yankumi and Class 3-D, tearful goodbye
[704x396] [700 MB] [avi] [sars] [7B00C3A5]
[704x396] [366 MB] [avi] [sars] [3EA3BB91]
Ep05 : What's important is the strength of your heart!!
[704x396] [368 MB] [avi] [sars] [1B3A069F]
Ep06 : Think more about your parents' feelings!!
[704x396] [369 MB] [avi] [sars] [070A7633]
Ep07 : Think seriously about your life
[704x396] [369 MB] [avi] [sars] [3B5F5DB7]
Ep08 : I will always be your teacher
[704x396] [368 MB] [avi] [sars] [7E0B37E4]
Ep09 : Father and son's bond of tears
[704x396] [368 MB] [avi] [sars] [ACBE9CC7]
Ep10 finale : Be proud to graduate!! Yankumi and Class 3-D, tearful goodbye
[704x396] [700 MB] [avi] [sars] [7B00C3A5]
Use hjsplit to join the file : here
Singer : D-51
Album :
Episode :
Insert Song :Kizuna
Singer : Kamenashi Kazuya
Album :
Episode :
Ending Theme Song :
Singer :
Album :
Episode :
Get the OST here
Source :
~ Wikipedia
~ d-adicts

last update : 26/10/2009
Hey, for the dvd special when I go on 7/10 it comes up with part 6 still. Clicked on all the others and cant find 7, just wondered if you could help. Thanks.
sorry 4 the mistake
edit done
No problem =^-^= thankies for all the videos!!!
welcome, np...
have fun
p/s: next time, i would love to know ur name
XD sorry, fail with computers, did try and put my livejournal in but couldn't work it. Hadn't even thought of just putting name in >.> *feels thick* XD but yeah thanks, its great to have so many dramas in one place so yeah, thank you!!!
my pleasure...
have fun
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